Image courtesy of Markus Winkler @ Unsplash

Image courtesy of Markus Winkler @ Unsplash

It’s not always obvious when we experience Imposter Syndrome.

Situations may happen and we might not be tuned into our response to that situation or indeed take time to reflect on why we responded in a certain way.

I always say that no-one walks up in a morning and thinks “Oh no I’m an Imposter” - it’s way more subtle than that. I read somewhere recently that explained Imposter Syndrome as the master of disguise and I couldn't have said it better myself.

It’s more how we show up on a day to day basis. But imagine if you’re feeling inadequate, waiting for someone to call you out and confirm your greatest fear that you’re not good enough, then how do you think you react in certain situations?

It’s how we react to certain situations, so do you confidently show up or do you find yourself questioning yourself?

To help you navigate how it might show up for you, here are 20 situations that it may show up for you in your day to day working life:

  1. Thinking of looking for a new role and/or applying for a new role

  2. Going through the interview process for a new role (especially where psychometrics are used)

  3. Starting a new role/joining a new company/receiving a promotion

  4. Starting or leading a new project

  5. Putting yourself forward for an opportunity

  6. Doing something creative

  7. Being asked to give your expert opinion on something 

  8. Questioning a decision 

  9. Asking for a pay rise

  10. Having to deal with something you’re not familiar with and have no previous experience of

  11. Speaking at an event or in an important meeting

  12. Giving your opinion in front of others that you believe are more qualified than yourself

  13. When work becomes quiet

  14. Learning something new

  15. Being asked to become a mentor

  16. Starting a new venture

  17. When the role you’re doing is stretching you beyond your current capabilities

  18. Receiving negative feedback

  19. When you’re doing a role but you don’t feel qualified enough

  20. When you’re working somewhere that isn’t inclusive and you feel like you don’t belong or aren’t welcome

This is not a definite list but it gives you a flavour of some situations in which Imposter Syndrome could affect you or others around you.

When reading through that list, did you find yourself thinking “oh yes that’s happened to me”? If so, know that it’s common for people to experience bouts of Imposter Syndrome in these situations.

The best thing you can do is start to notice in what situations you experience it so you can you recognise that it’s happening.

Notice the warning signs - does it show up for you in your thoughts, your feelings or how you act?

Once you get that clarity it’s about taking action to change how you think, how you feel and how you behave.

Over time you can start to catch yourself in these situations and choose to challenge your Inner Imposter.

If you feel like your Inner Imposter is affecting you in certain situations and you feel like you need some support to overcome it, please get in touch and let’s have a chat about how I can support you.