Image courtesy of Team Fredi @Unsplash

Image courtesy of Team Fredi @Unsplash

Imposter Syndrome is more widely spread than you probably realise. With research showing 70% of people will experience this, imagine you’re in a meeting with 10 people, 7 of those are likely to have experienced it or are experiencing it alongside you right now. 

To define Imposter Syndrome it’s secretly feeling that you’re not as bright or capable as people think you are. You might feel like you don’t belong in the spaces you’re in and you can feel out of your depth despite receiving no evidence to back this up. You may feel any success that is happening for you is not down to you or your abilities but you attribute it to things like luck, fluke or charm (spoiler alert - it isn’t that by the way!)  Does this resonate with you?  If so know that you are not alone, over 70% of people suffer with feelings of Imposter Syndrome in their life. 

If you’re ready to overcome Imposter Syndrome, feel more confident in your abilities, feel like you belong in the spaces you occupy and enjoy the success you’re having (yes I know you’re having it) here’s 10 things you can do right now to dissolve it.

  1. PERFECTION.  Let go of being the ideal of perfect.  Get ok with failures, making mistakes, cocking up, not knowing everything.  You’re not a super human being who can be amazing at every aspect of life.  

  2. CLARITY.  Ok now you know that it has a name, hello Imposter Syndrome! So stare it in the face and get to know it.  What are you doubts about yourself? At the moment they probably swirl round in your head but get them on paper.  As soon as you write them down I promise you they don’t have as much power as they do when they’re in your head.

  3. ADMITTANCE.  Go on tell someone that you feel like a fake, a fraud and you’re waiting to be found out.  A problem shared and all that.  I even bet the person you share it with resonates with you.

  4. ACCEPTANCE.  Accept who you are right now.  That’s it. Instead of pulling yourself apart, how about recognising all the unique talents, skills and qualities that make up who you are.  

  5. COMMUNITY.  Know you’re not alone – phew there is finally a name for how you have been feeling.  What a relief – so take a breath and know there are plenty more people life you.

  6. CELEBRATE.  Celebrate your achievements.  Not just the big life changing stuff (although that is made up of lots of tiny achievements).  Recognise the achievements you make every single day and then celebrate them.  Tip – at the end of each day write down 3 things that you achieved that day that you’re proud of (imagine how many you will have after a year!)

  7. FORGIVE.  Forgive yourself.  Yes you’ve made mistakes but learning to let go and forgive yourself of them.  Carrying around the shame and guilt of the things you’ve done wears you down.  So as the famous saying goes, let it go.

  8. KINDNESS.  Are you a kind person?  Perhaps to others but what about kindness to yourself.  Your Inner Imposter pulls you down and criticises what you do.  It’s only so loud as you gave it a stage and a mic – tell it to sit down and shut the f@ck up (and thank you for trying to keep you safe)

  9. BELIEVE.  I bet that people are always complimenting you but you don’t believe it to be true or when you have a wobble and self doubt creeps in you forget it all.  So start to collect all the information that someone gives you.  Create a folder in your email filing cabinet, screenshot compliments on your phone.  When you are having a down moment and questioning yourself, read through those things and believe them.

  10. RESPONSIBILITY.  Take responsibility for where you are.  Only you can change the way you think and feel about yourself, so ask yourself, what is the first step that I can do to make some changes?

  11. ACTION.  This means playing big(ger).  Nothing grows inside your comfort zone, so when offered the chance to do something, say yes even though you’re shit scared.  You do know what you’re doing and if you don’t, you can learn.  

If you would like some help to dissolve your Imposter, then click here and book a free discovery call and let’s discuss working together.
